
Jobs made possible through federal and state funding

As part of their financial aid packages, qualifying Walla Walla University students are given the opportunity to defray part of their educational expenses through a work program. 

Federal Work-Study Program

The federal government provides Walla Walla University money to expand student employment opportunities both on campus and in the community. Positions available on campus or with nonprofit agencies off campus include clerical, library assistant, teacher's aide, building maintenance, and many other jobs and community service activities. The employer pays the student directly with the federal government reimbursing the employer for a portion of the labor costs.

In order to participate in this program, student must have a complete financial aid file and Work-Study Program eligibility, which is determined through the financial aid application process.

Learn about federal work-study.

Washington State Work-Study Program

The state of Washington provides WWU money to expand student employment opportunities off campus. Students perform work related to their major fields of study. The employer pays the student directly, with the state reimbursing the employer for a portion of the labor costs. Washington State residency is required for job placement.

In order to participate in this program, a student must have a complete financial aid file and Work-Study Program eligibility, which is determined through the financial aid application process.

Learn about state work-study.


Student Employment Office
(800) 656-2357 or (509) 527-2357